Welcome to our events page . We run a number of activities throughout the year and you can see what’s happening and book onto an event from this page. We also have a list of events of other organisation which we feel would be good to attend or which we will be attending.
Saturday 27th July 2024- Women’s Talk: Career Nuggets Part 2
Join us for “Career Nuggets,” an empowering talk session designed for women navigating their career paths. Gain valuable insights, practical advice, and inspiration. Whether you’re starting out, seeking advancement, or considering a change, this session offers support you need to thrive. Connect with like-minded women, share experiences, and discover the nuggets of wisdom that can boost your career to the next level. Don’t miss this opportunity to invest in your professional growth and future success!
Date: Saturday 27th July 2024
Time: 10AM – 12PM
Location: Online, Via Zoom
Registration link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUuc-GprTosGdx30klsv5AzIJb69__aSjvA
Please note you need to register in advance for this meeting for our records for online safety and confidentiality reasons
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Questions? Please email [email protected]
Monday 22nd July 2024- CV Writing & Review Techniques.
Are you struggling with CV writing? Do you know what to include in your CV? join this workshop for support to get started with your CV and if you already have a CV our employment coach can review it for you and give feedback on how strong it is.
To join this workshop you will need to email a CV if you have one or bring it along with you.
Date: 22nd July 2024
Time: 10:30AM – 12:00PM
Location: Cranbrook Baptist Church, Wellesley Road, Ilford IG1 4JT
Registration link: https://forms.office.com/e/S9ZXtmn5Sv
For more information Email: [email protected]
Thursday 18th July 2024- Confidence Building & interview Technique support.
Do you struggle with interviews? Do you need support with preparing for interviews? Are you aware of what to say in an interview?
Join us for a Confidence building and Interview skills and Practice session. We will be going through all that you will need to build up your confidence in preparing for interviews.
Date: Thursday 18th July 2024
Time: 10:30AM – 12PM
Location: Cranbrook Baptist Church
Registration: https://forms.office.com/e/BEe6q9fJ5U
Thursday 4th July 2024- Coffee Morning: A Letter to our Past or Future self.
Come along and enjoy a relaxed and friendly atmosphere where you can meet other women and have a chat over some coffee/tea and biscuits.
Date: Thursday 4th July 2024
Time: 10 AM -12 noon
Location: Cranbrook Baptist Church
Saturday 29th June 2024- Women’s Talk: Career Nugget Part 1
Join us for “Career Nuggets,” an empowering talk session designed for women navigating their career paths. Gain valuable insights, practical advice, and inspiration. Whether you’re starting out, seeking advancement, or considering a change, this session offers support you need to thrive. Connect with like-minded women, share experiences, and discover the nuggets of wisdom that can propel your career to the next level. Don’t miss this opportunity to invest in your professional growth and future success!
-Q&A session
Date: Saturday 29th June 2024
Time: 10AM – 12PM
Location: Online, Via Zoom
Please note you need to register in advance for this meeting for our records for online safety and confidentiality reasons: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIvf-mhqjMtGNz-tSJPEczJmkaqqhvjv2Ij
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Thursday 6th June 2024 – Coffee Morning: Creative Writing
Come along and enjoy a relaxed and friendly atmosphere where you can meet other women over some coffee/tea and have a chat and play games.
This months Coffee morning is dedicated to volunteers week come along as we honour our volunteers and all the hard work they do.
The theme for June’s coffee morning is creative writing. Do you like poems or telling stories? Come along and hear from poets/storytellers and learn how you can write your own poem. You can also bring your own creative writing piece (poem, story, song) even in your own language too!
Date: Thursday 6th June 2024
Time: 10 AM -12 noon
Location: Cranbrook Baptist Church
Saturday 25th May 2024- Women’s Talk: Taking Care of your Mental Health.
Join us for an empowering session dedicated to nurturing your mental well-being and fostering healthy habits. This Session is dedicated to raising mental health awareness and looking at the impact it has on our physical health.
We will also look at building healthy habits to improve our mental health.
-Engaging discussions on mental health awareness and de-stigmatization
-Practical tips for managing stress and anxiety in daily life
-Insights on cultivating self-care practices and prioritizing personal wellness
-Interactive activities to promote positive habits and mindfulness
-Q&A session
Date: Saturday 25th May 2024
Time: 10AM – 12PM
Location: Online, Via Zoom
Questions? Please email [email protected]
Saturday 27th April 2024- Women’s Talk: Planning your Financial Future
In this months women’s Talk, we will explore practical strategies for you to plan your financial future to allow you to be comfortable during retirement.
From looking at different approaches to managing finances, such as life insurance, pension schemes etc.
Date:27th April 2024
Time: 10:30AM – 12PM
Location: Via Zoom
Saturday 16th March 2024- International Women’s Day Event: Inspire Inclusion
Every year there is a theme to celebrate women and their achievements. This year the theme is to inspire inclusion. When we look at inclusion we see the involvement of women in workplaces, in the community, society, and in media/mainstream media.
This is a fantastic opportunity to connect with other amazing women, share stories, and empower each other. We have a wonderful line-up of speakers who will inspire and motivate you. Don’t miss out on this incredible event! Mark your calendars and get ready to be inspired. See you there!
Stalls Available for local business to promote their good, please email to find out more!
Purchase tickets: https://AWSGIWD2024.eventbrite.co.uk
Saturday 27th January 2024- Women’s Talk: Financial Wellbeing.
With inflation at an all-time high and the cost of essential items as well as bills raising it is having an impact on our finances. Join us as we look at the different approaches to saving and managing our finances, so we can be secure and in control of our finances.
Date: Saturday 27th January 2024
Time: 10:30AM
Saturday 25th November 2023- Women Talk: Managing Finances during the Holiday
This month’s women’s talk session will be taking place Saturday 25th November 10:30AM to 12PM VIA ZOOM.
Time: Nov 25, 2023 10:30 AM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 871 2709 4556
Passcode: 956383
Adanna Women’s Support Group Youth summer mentoring programme
Monday 31st July 2023 – Friday 11th August 2023 in Ilford.
Saturday 29th July 2023- Life as a woman with no recourse to public Funds.
Join us for this month’s women’s talk as we discuss the different support and aid available for women who need help with their legal matters.
Event Details:
Date: 29th July 2023
Time: 10:30 am – 12:30 pm
Location: Via Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89614454749?pwd=KzVSdHl1SGNlR1UxUUV1c3Jkd1NYQT09
Meeting ID: 896 1445 4749
Passcode: 265758
Saturday 25th February 2023- Women’s Talk- Decluttering mental & Physical Space.
Our physical surrounding impacts our mental health. Similarly, our metal space being overcrowded by thoughts and feelings which can greatly impact our physical health.
Join us as we discuss the important of decluttering mental and physical space to increase good health and mental wellbeing.
Event details:
Date: 25th February 2022
Time: 10:30AM – 12PM
Location: Via Zoom
Joining link: https://forms.gle/RvtcTmuDoPcHXJnG8
Saturday 28th January 2023- Women’s Talk – The cost of living: Effective Money Management.
The monthly women’s talk sessions are back! Join us as we aim to empower and support women through conversations about different topics.
January women’s talk topic will be about the impact of cost of living. (See Flyer) With inflation at an all-time high and the cost of essential items as well as bills rising it is having an impact on our finances. join us as we look at the different approaches to saving and managing our finances.
Date: 28th January 2023
Time: 10:30AM- 12:30PM
Location: Via Zoom
Joining details: https://forms.gle/RvtcTmuDoPcHXJnG8
Thursday 26th January 2023 – Coffee morning.
As a way to help women we are hosting a coffee morning. The coffee morning will allow women to meet other women over some coffee/tea and have a chat. We hope that bringing women together can help combat loneliness, isolation and bring women together to uplift and build each other’s confidence.
Date: 26th January 2023
Time: 10 AM
Location: Cranbrook Baptist Church
Joining link:https://forms.gle/yo8HGhBKztjx4W9M6
Saturday 26th November 2022- Women’s Talk- Self-care, Selfcare, & Self-care.
This month we are hosting a women’s talk session (Saturday 26th November 2022 from 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM Via Zoom ) dedicated to self-care and the importance of looking after yourself for a better outlook in the future. join us as we look at the ways in which we can look after ourselves and better our mental and physical health.
we also have a wellbeing coach joining us as a guest speaker to share their knowledge and expertise in wellbeing and how we can better look after ourselves.
Date: 26th November 2022
Time: 10:3 AM – 12PM
Location: Via zoom
Joining link: https://forms.gle/RvtcTmuDoPcHXJnG8
Saturday 30th July 2022- Women’s Talk- Cost of Living- Money management and how to mange your finances.
With inflation at an all-time high and the cost of essential items as well as bills raising it is having an impact on our finances. join us as we look at the different approaches to saving and managing our finances.
Time: 10:30 AM – 12:30PM
Location: Via Zoom
To Register: https://forms.gle/RvtcTmuDoPcHXJnG8
Saturday 25th June 2022- Women’s Talk – Building Confidence and Body positivity.
With summer finally here, we can tend to feel a little conscious and worried about how we look/feel. Join us on this months women’s talk as we talk about the importance of building confidence to empower ourselves and others.
Date: 25/06/2022
Time: 10:30 AM- 12:30 PM
Location: Via Zoom
To Register: https://forms.gle/RvtcTmuDoPcHXJnG8
or Email:[email protected]
Saturday 27th November 2021- Women‘s talk- Helping Women Understand Their Legal Rights.
There are legal struggles many women face. It could be needing support against domestic situations, support for child care matters, immigration, etc. But there is a lack of information available for these women to get the help they would need. In this month’s women’s talk event we hope to share information on support available and services that are available to helping women who are going through legal battles.
Join us this month as we discuss the importance of being aware of your legal rights and how you can go about receiving the help you would need.
Date: 27th November 2021
Time: 10:30 AM– 12:00 PM
Location: Via Zoom
Joining Link: https://forms.gle/pxvvUMct4g9HNUzv8
Saturday 30th October 2021- Women’s Talk- BAME women in Leadership, Influential and Powerful positions. BME Women in Leadership positions can bring A lot of positive elements to an organisation, but most importantly a change to the narrative of leadership, influence and power.
what can we do to empower other BAME women’s to get into leadership positions? How can this motivate a future generation of BAME Leaders?
Join us this month as we discuss the importance BAME women play in organisations and how can encourage a future generation of women leaders.
Date: 30th October 2021
Time: 10:30 AM– 12:00 PM
Location: Via Zoom
Joining Link: https://forms.gle/pxvvUMct4g9HNUzv8
Saturday 23- Friday 29th October 2021- Black History Month – #Letstalkaboutit
I am excited to announce an event we have at ADANNA Women’s Support Group for Black history Month. This is a series of workshops to teach young people aged 11-18 years about Black inventors, political leaders and inspirational people who have made a positive difference. Using social media, film making and event planning they will learn how to create a social action campaign for positive change.
Dates: Saturday 23rd -Friday 29th October
Time: 10am-3pm
Venue: Saturday will be at the Barking Learning Centre
Monday-Friday will be at the Cranbrook Baptist Church in Ilford
Registration: via this link https://forms.gle/
Age range: 11-18 years
Contact: 07906343050
25 September 2021- Women, Leadership and Power.
Women in leadership positions bring a lot of positive elements to an organisation. Equality and diversity makes an organisation well rounded and relevant to the demands of society today.
What can we as women do to get into leadership positions?
How can we motivate and encourage future generation of women to become leaders?
Join us for this September’s women’s talk as we discuss the importance of women being in leadership positions.
Date: 25th September 2021
Time: 10:30 AM– 12:00 PM
Location: Via Zoom
Joining Link: https://forms.gle/pxvvUMct4g9HNUzv8
For more info Please Email: [email protected]
31 JULY 2021- Women’s talk- Body Confidence: How to build your confidence after having children.
Being confident with yourself, and how you look impacts you greatly.
With the rise of social media it impacts women’s perception of their own body image. come join us for this months women’s talk to see how to promote good healthy body image and how to look and feel confident especially after giving birth.
Date:31st July 2021
Time: 10:30am – 12Noon
Location: Zoom
Zoom Joining Link:
30th July 2021- Girls talk- Lets Talk: Careers.
What area do you want to work in? where do you see yourself in 10 years? IS going to university something i want to do? these are all questions we ask ourselves.
In this months girls talk event (30th July 2021 at 6PM) come join us as we discuss the importance of decision making about your future! we will discuss the different routes and opportunities available, including going to university or doing an apprenticeship.
Joining Link: https://forms.gle/BHSRVqLMLwy9aRsC7
For more information or assistance email: [email protected]
26 JULY 2021- 7 August 2021- Lights, Camera Action
Mon-Wed 26/7/21 10-3.00pm
Mon-Wed 02-04 Aug 10-3.00pm
A 6 week summer workshop over a period of two weeks focusing on the creative skills and choices necessary for film making.
Get an inside view of how images are used to tell stories and how the visual choices a filmmaker makes impacts a viewer.
Learn the history and future of film, Screenwriting, camera operating, acting and how to pitch a film idea.
Click on the link to register
If you would like to find out ore please email: [email protected]
JUNE 2021- Rediscovering yourself after having children or big challenges in your life.
What have you always wanted to do but never got round to it? Are you looking for employment? Training?
On the 26th of June from 10:30 am to 12:30 noon. join us on our monthly women’s talk as we discuss different ways to empower women who are going through changes in their lives.
Come and hear what you need to do to develop a skill, a creative hobby that can turn into cash.
Date: 26/06/2021
Time:10:30-12 noon
To register follow the link below:
MAY 2021- Women’s Talk- Parenting within the BAME Communities. good cultural parenting.
The Adanna Women’s Support Group is holding their next monthly meeting on Saturday 29th May from 10:00 am to 12:30 Noon.
We will be talking about good parenting in the BAME community. How to parent difficult teenagers.
What is parenting? What does good Parenting look like?
On this months women’s talk join us as we discuss good cultural parenting skills with in the African and Asian Community.
Being from an ethnic minority background parenting sometimes involves the inclusion of cultural practice. It is important to understand when it is important to include cultural practice for the health and wellbeing of your child.
Parenting within BAME communities is significantly different than others. With more focus and over policing on the ethnic minority communities the way we raise our children also comes under scrutiny. Ethnic minority parents face pressures from society to uphold excellent parenting but this can be hard sometimes. With the important culture and religion plays within these communities how do you include that whilst parenting your child?
Hope you can join us and be informed and empowered!
To register click on the link below:
APRIL 2021- Women’s Talk-Mental and Physical abuse in BAME community– Causes and Cure.
The pandemic has shone a light on the increasing numbers of physical and mental abuse that are present. Although physical and mental abuse is a prominent issue within many communities, it is prevailing issue that has an impact on ethnic minority women, with less focus and research being done to see how to help women from these specific minority groups.
In Redbridge the level of domestic violence has increased by 453 cases in June 2020 compared to the 332 in April 2020, similarly, Barking and Dagenham has the highest prevalence rates of domestic violence abuse with a 23 per 1000 population reporting the abuse to the police.
Join us on 1st of May 2021 on a discussion on the experience of Mental and Physical abuse within the BAME communities and how to spots signs and symptoms of abuse.
Date: 1st May 2021
Time: 10:30 am – 12:30pm
Location: Zoom
Register via this link: https://forms.gle/TdKsjZ5bdrQeXaS1A
This Black History Month join us via Zoom for TWO amazing FREE Talks – we have created safe space to delve into the issues that affect us as BAME women and girls.
Women’s talk – Restart a new life post lockdown
Date: Saturday 24th October
Time: 10am -12noon
We will be discussing the impact of COVID on our lives as we know it.
The COVID pandemic has changed the world forever. But how has it changed you?
Register here: https://forms.gle/LUvkYP299WGj3K5z8
Join our meeting on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/join
Meeting ID: 852 1190 0875 (passcode will be sent upon registration for security reasons)
Girls talk – How to become an influencer
Date: Friday 30th October
Time: 4-5 pm
As part of Redbridge Council and Barking and Dagenham Council’s Black History Month programme of events we will be running an online webinar about how Black girls are portrayed in social media, how to find positive role models online and how to become a positive influencer to others via social media.
Social media is an essential part of a young girls life. We will be discussing the impact of social media on young girls and how you can become a positive influencer.
Register here: https://forms.gle/txnAti2FgFvYoXxK9
Join us on zoom for a lively discussion
Meeting ID: 884 7744 9717 (Passcode will be sent upon registration for security reasons)