To uplift and empower women we have different support services available.
We have created each service to support women who are going through challenges. Each support service we provide is aimed at targeting main concerns/issues we see within our community.
Befriending support
Are you someone who feels lonely/isolated or experiencing low mood? Then perhaps our befriending service can help you.
How can we help you? Support from A friendly woman volunteer- Via Telephone, zoom, messaging , Email or in person meetings. They can give you companionship, be a friendly person to talk to and share some time with them. You will get 8-12 weeks of support on a 1-2-1 basis to help combat isolation and loneliness.
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Employment Support
We have a an employment Coach who provides women with advice and support in regards to getting back into employment/training/education. We also free courses to allow women to gain qualifications in different fields such as entry level digital skills, employment, child care level 1 and teaching assistant level 1.
Women’s Advisor
We have a trained women’s advisor to provide advice and guidance to women going through challenges. Our women’s advisor can provide advice and support for a range of different circumstances such as domestic abuse, housing/homelessness, debt, support for clothing/food and much more.